A Biblical Examination Of Baptism


       May I point out that this book is a "Biblical Examination", NOT a Biblical exposition of the Ordinance of Baptism. It is written to the laymen of the church, not the college professor of seminary graduate. My purpose is to present as simply as possible what I consider to be the clear teaching concerning this ordinance of the church, as spoken of in Scripture.

      I have purposely avoided stating some of the beliefs and doctrines of various denominations, sects, and groups concerning baptism. I feel that a personal study of God's Word is of the first and foremost importance. With a knowledge of the Word God's teaching on any subject, the Christian is then prepared to make a discernment concerning false teachings.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit (person), but try the spirits (persons) whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." - I John 4:1

I have attempted to cover some of the major portions of Scripture concerning the various baptisms mentioned therein.
May this book be sent forth as an effort to stimulate the reader to a more concentrated and thorough study of God's Word. If this is accomplished, then my purpose for writing The Biblical Examination of Baptism will have been achieved.

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